Why you need a copywriter.


Find people who like you, and make them like you more.

You’ve got some great ideas, sure. Perhaps you’ve started a business with them, or written a few passages here and there, or maybe you’ve still got them rummaging around in your head.

Well they’re not going to do too much good there. You might have written those thoughts down to get the ideas straight in your head, even posted a few of them, but didn’t see a lot of return on all the time you spent writing them.

You might even have published a book – but wait, didn’t you publish that to get word out about your business? Your values? You had a vision, and you wanted to reach people who share it.

Writing is rewriting, and it is in rewriting that your thoughts become of value to the reader.

Did you catch that? Let me rewrite it:

You need to turn your thoughts into value in order for people to appreciate reading them.

For that, you need a craftsman; someone who can take your thoughts and actions, and weave them into fine stories that convey the heart of you.

Your best virtues on display, others will know what you hold dear, and why you do what you do. Not just what you do or how you do it, but the deeper Why. Your philosophical principal. That which guides you.

You need a writer to quarry your thoughts for material, and to sculpt them into articles to show what you are made of.

That is what I can do for you. I can listen to your thoughts, read your writings and get to know your ideas. I can get to the heart and humour of your stories, shape a piece to your likeness, and see who recognises themselves in it.

You need a writer. To find people you like, you need a writer.

Let's find your people.

I'd love to hear from you, and get to know what motivates you to do what you do. That's worthy of a coffee.

The number is here, email there - stuartjblack@gmail.com - do get in touch.


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